Buy green machines

Before buying a washing machine or dishwasher, ask how much water they use in each cycle. Choose carefully as they can differ quite signifcantly. A front-loading washing machine can use up to 40% less water than a top-loading model.

Don’t do the job twice

Avoid rinsing your dishes in the sink before loading them into the dishwasher. Modern dishwashers do a thorough job of cleaning. If you feel the need to pre clean before loading into the dishwasher, scrape rather than rinse, and only use washing machines and dishwashers when there is a full load.

Put the plug in

While waiting for cold water to turn hot, use a plug so that you can use this water later or divert the water into a bucket for use elsewhere.

Plant a water-wise garden

Ask a local garden centre to recommend plants for your garden that require the least watering. These are usually indigenous plants that are well adapted to local weather conditions and require very little special treatment. Find out about your plants watering needs and group those together with the same watering needs.

Install a rainwater tank

Installing a rainwater tank is both cost effective and environmentally friendly as it will enable you to harvest rainwater from your gutters. You can use this water for washing your car, fushing toilets and watering your garden. Ask your local garden centre or plumber what your options are.

Water your plants thoroughly in the cool of the day

Instead of giving your plants a light sprinkling everyday, it is far more effective to give them a good soaking less often.

This will encourage the roots to penetrate deeper into the soil, accessing the moisture in the ground and enabling them to survive between watering and in times of drought. Remember to water in cool, still conditions as most water will evaporate in the heat of the day or when it is very windy.

Install a drip irrigation system

Drip irrigation systems use only 50 percent of the water normally used by sprinklers as they deliver water straight onto plant roots. Adding a layer of mulch on top and compost within your soil will help retain water and cut down evaporation.

Avoid buying bottled water

Unless plastic water bottles are recycled, they end up in the landfll or in the ocean. It also takes an enormous amount of energy to manufacture the plastic bottles in the frst place. To avoid producing unnecessary waste, invest in a water flter and purify your tap water, rather than buying individual bottles of fltered water. Keep your water in a reusable bottle, and ensure that you keep healthy and hydrated all day!


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