Green Star rate your building

The South African Green Building Council is an independent body that is leading the transformation of the South African property industry to ensure that all buildings are designed, built and operated in an environmentally sustainable way. Their green building rating tool sets standards and benchmarks for green building, and enables an objective assessment to be made as to how ‘green’ a building is. The rating system sets out a ‘menu’ of all the green measures that can be incorporated into a building to make it green. Green Star rating your building is an excellent way to gain credibility and international support for your business.

Install a rainwater tank

Installing a rainwater tank is both cost effective and environmentally friendly as it will enable you to harvest rainwater from your gutters. You can use this water for washing your car, flushing toilets and watering your garden. For contact details of service providers, choose a company from those associated with the Topic Rainwater Harvesting

Install a greywater recycling system

Grey water refers to water used in the home for bathing, washing and cleaning, which can be safely re-used to water non-edible plants in your garden. A grey water system will take greywater and transfer it to a garden watering system through a series of pipes, valves and filters, which normally needs to be professionally installed. For contact details of service providers, choose a company from those associated with the Topic Greywater.


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